📰 Teddy Talks Q&A Part 2 📰



Here’s part 2 of Teddy Talks! Thanks for all your recent questions for Ed on the EDHQ Text Line - read his responses below.

Sign up here for the next round of Teddy Talks.



1. Yasuko, India - Do you want to be a Pokemon? Want to become a Pokemon master? Which one?
Lets be honest, Pokemon feel a bit too ordered around. So deffo a Pokemon master

2.Milana, USA - Do you have any tips on building confidence?
If you love what you do, it doesn't matter when it doesn't work, you just keep doing it because you love it. Every song that I’ve released that hasn't 'worked' I can still stand by and say I love. So make sure whatever you're doing and putting time into, is something you believe in and adore doing. Then the wins feel vindicating and the losses feel like learning curves you can come back stronger from

3. Astrid , Mexico - Where do your favorite songs come from? Are you drawn the most to their sound? Or are they attached to certain people, places or memories?
I think when you get drawn to music it always ends up being nostalgic, and linked to the people and places you heard it with and in. Its all about the feelings that you got when you first fell in love with it. Which is why in some peoples minds I will never make a better album than plus, because plus reminds them of a certain time in their life and certain people in their life

4. Spencer, USA - What's been your favorite part about being a dad?
Have two sidekicks

5. Benjamin, Malaysia - Just wanted to tap into your years of experience and skillset. What is one advice you would offer to aspiring guitarist/musicians who are just starting out?
Practice every day, work harder than people you admire, and don't listen to anyone saying you can’t be what you wanna be. Usually people who say you can’t do something are only saying that because they think they can’t do it. There are no limitations in music if you work hard, you can always find a career doing something

6. Leslie, USA - whats your fav pizza chain?
Pizza express, but I only ever order a Calabrese

7. Sophie, UK - If you could restart your career all over again, is there anything you would do differently?
Yeah loads, but a career shouldn't just be an upward trajectory with no mistakes. You live and learn every day, and people only remember the wins, so don't worry about the fails. I’ve learnt so much more from failing than I ever did from succeeding. All succeeding does is booster confidence which is important too, but you have to fail to learn how to come back and achieve

8. Graham, USA - You have said that every album has a story based on what is going on in your life at the time, but what was the story behind your very first album, "+"?
Mostly a snapshot of ages 15-19 in my life. So moving to London, falling in love for the first time, having my first heartbreak, first experiences with drinking, nightlife. Just being a teenager really on my own in a big city

9. Kel, UK - Would you rather have crisps for fingers or chocolate for toes?
Chocolate for toes, you need your fingers more than toes I think

